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divorce lawyer

Divorce Law and Legislation Canadian divorces are governed by the Divorce Act, RSC, 1985, c3 (the "Act" or "Divorce Act"), which is a federal Canadian statute. Federal statutes apply Canada-wide which means that divorces in Canada are governed by the same Law across Canada, despite the Province of either spouse. That is not the case for example for common-law partnerships or the division of assets and liabilities of a marriage. Both of these situations would be governed by the Family Law Act, RSO, 1990, c F3, which is a Provincial statute and only applies to Ontario. Corollary relief is also governed by...

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Child Support I Family Law Firm

family law firm mississauga

Child support is available for both common-law couples and married couples. You have the right to ask for child support payments in arrears, meaning any missed child support payments since the separation. There are guidelines in a form of a Table in Ontario and Federally that govern child support. The provincial and federal tables are the same. However, they are in different Acts (Statutes) and are to be used depending on whether you are seeking a divorce, or more specifically, whether a couple is married or not. The guidelines are only a legislative reference as to what is expected in terms of...

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