A license to practice Law is mandatory for all lawyers in Canada. It ensures that as a professional, your lawyer is providing legal services effectively and in the public interest.
In order to obtain this license, lawyers go through rigorous training in paying attention to details with paperwork and learning what to look for with respect to determinative details in each area of Law. Lawyers are trained for years, through education, training and licensing, to keep an eye out for detailed exceptions as they change the outcome of cases. Those must be thoroughly and prudently researched as well as identified to begin with.
Lawyers are also trained to review documents multiple times for minor yet crucial elements that are likely to be missed without similar rigorous training.
Our lawyer license certifies such level of competence to the extent that should you not receive it from a lawyer, you are allowed to sue for professional negligence as well as complain to the Law Society. With this responsibility weighing on every lawyer’s shoulders, you can rest assured that you have the right to expect a high level of competence and quality when working with a lawyer.
Consultants and “experts” no matter how many years of experience may not be trained to the same level of detail or review, nor are you offered any level protection for important mistakes.